Factor Info

ID 83422
Size 471 digits / 1562 bits
Status composite
Value 125699411936384401086892720553346195893333704709165590688538734227067769387013754746162530410132706249101625997352797179906020873814478448991348309318324862980228856489465112272369510302884041494448579049888228081644588829419953897655810020403032161335357441208221569394284502784726916195066720799828173938479482015964621453378187195770278274676064415946309044515087974008739405916833958041908581998250150121436344843985694527721086831286370331004817709231851475783558491


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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