Factor Info

ID 84486
Size 471 digits / 1565 bits
Status composite
Value 670234954521420668567199851440231124351698039533240321678282528865790750174715742905188428823357900871951924506906196536406282565834434775277105263876348736905844608933875729035752413762552502999922512812860552228454261783552214275806273016440787652635289069417558561723525428036445962745638963186112985834908255170511509184307838644991016724549624553181166214887015681996899328702584398960847708121367540079712015423134655199119636202742901056892570983947920171943790271


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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