Factor Info

ID 84879
Size 471 digits / 1564 bits
Status composite
Value 426665530777700476622034931177016529084665783831729663013016416212264467594886740359318570087007190007297151689328377267269523506923671347615536035316686698188786695575190903014178189637012505929863689478944566537799180134540072618368192594770019421787174358640463480628066454123363491698708111957723815138272990690736038872998652735732533589362297292520581649140888958475280763947556208428778784500965727605760429864198841022511364898221731538114613104114389894693582189


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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