Factor Info

ID 84966
Size 472 digits / 1566 bits
Status composite
Value 1515504411055247483101155569826374825586939794715450397709469008930728414464318988932833745010992042175005954591821663355652549080771832967451420949580869268606563177219909777577321924790767086815424519067105543040660935592474876988814935248170434791975749874326605342866837648317431794894694700713477161466559103350267398152143787301390993575870799293973493686323487732948604354170165939596045608166821956747201480017452573984265322180740819083880746419614441011407551109


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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