Factor Info

ID 85385
Size 468 digits / 1555 bits
Status composite
Value 964261336403567277862433055022520011080128310587581268703102859084604175602112678888942667286586195300684747692869988740039739555807138722489002081208037052168143981907768211033561550766557192702108967482628328132517777489670217230894439453287280692006718181113410020105132746509153918238693154311545886400132974624128248528882085099570448708855619651772698071467421296773857040098307061144189858221040379802953432560762952369225285262109384570957673350213420329586661


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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