Factor Info

ID 85492
Size 462 digits / 1535 bits
Status composite
Value 977189237765087004126690731456323712967545376606039109949682494964121170819862553568734751462538458049025922259689229511886855704660171135199586403384502368323438426555942716406676268264220484403252898412526109680448496449184056893607638377259483337360877914489143639943679812257776476918390588145117188071133002068126173508265030915096734073564491916272530778065834448731264357343597905450130652184609428343729341310037901316957720295365606867615990468084057501


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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