Factor Info

ID 85650
Size 466 digits / 1546 bits
Status composite
Value 1985637727768775854321933541067600034411902522862126167881980113423391556667424744108766580497819603001045993936682689663481799652859727801610108289948850321377444199618270347353797596481691349794762969445107114733872046559250125848337555002083822518429727602121373095647644657872317620192824433710543139492734027657892318704985726814405892218418704717868431033058531858082882662901293172746359954782533895067574024994870946051969443843334145855571472020641810955921


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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