Factor Info

ID 93735
Size 472 digits / 1565 bits
Status composite
Value 1265181944010180024694010446934715082777555121936081698791145776271141281443301200106049107291994835421042055826897647945770668386296391675582021575022006585335273385943131976735762990372346803567903672790136037255637467841069040541354420778230697247366687443172171205692802605542338626067021286251147705506559772718210635762782564858498453204356051903693002942718386055253377824914946907987822872236123275170914415829431302831050390340373868148171577897764062922366492137


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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