Factor Info

ID 94397
Size 463 digits / 1536 bits
Status composite
Value 1241361398521135179130416556426865637416359138282494974258238099482083363343504859577570226793960321395693871899301121557600850221937604374994944568844468686935709399300763679493037862023617712789270819873026394103244482860237566285772743321858936289701405159595858970363703569592043097261923015804516738273088437546552669135898389031125530233892165737706888045020793536045781030228422084389956239724690025962315804245196881839226479008434724105599439396449206961


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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