Factor Info

ID 95936
Size 470 digits / 1560 bits
Status composite
Value 30344755253385322806385119652425632743640677210113216537056687372989728452670506772375514124022007533575116722307251239119111855609570652076393268227915532293338946726913927815430474614180152030997610295276040449373066387618154223263320199357895777309686545917856733463388588838004206428499861149128284447693546818645745930220980253927846476007120425188749979851355278601830335791455984680377716041738279960133203941317518424470157708039016329710296156866287633247230553


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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