Factor Info

ID 96174
Size 463 digits / 1536 bits
Status composite
Value 2397664652207410668018584964172902514746544377568837827912985127791831398775767230918376823968856583783337244986513860229282778184502799560373439014474890256146792362805657981510090051549015957052740147935771183616391698685578237181510114151613095523587351920631845398199986831475713403357609998434934779212813492239451966394252997675877534112899874818478096487509695191365389355348914861970694760888027637743840823409439821468236086588225386382557816749900647871


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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