Factor Info

ID 96428
Size 471 digits / 1563 bits
Status composite
Value 322690013504919427865289845105341388908054046725502051203398685808321439284570051889147335353786446005439041385416977083691846676307809143298155710534106022154729647223926829775737219605514206909296015835422932720043536359592817282919729716523362346081271320737578575033814095446175445779394748422660212166239455418326286653453093897877584366856223695038762536499920874416823442344764457411859709175797103821487013040203434550050396735800710229276521287991432882510301937


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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