Factor Info

ID 96448
Size 467 digits / 1549 bits
Status composite
Value 10188335205816412197779812813886949705762064516927586798469404370711963346064930686883937506133811323108194944639100615317519180220557011478351448846864777792306867293833642017479037181500458050887107876186931417248794529858081197401978910256732744400803506554753692544617094879326217385342958571309387185182663002397332956870039193039047684397377648045991018239698543536456733120975411187427924013684362564271748901466066278099943480693443277322527568936963152180841


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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