Factor Info

ID 96494
Size 463 digits / 1538 bits
Status composite
Value 5800727893413063710375979315000531627374551036684957061654458018847862803604643917310894135323057241177900524092848823463413302024815942315683625172868054320789269546721954273624326594892935930517713963804188541195404953332329249197916369907792284328905361339581234612884072652673622841430371518272583459347001699406259482065828483953716863888679905830678333278445410119999804422315819391914552643387003607328367960404794637826349414463229833813565063743078919243


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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