Factor Info

ID 96722
Size 407 digits / 1350 bits
Status composite
Value 17103936528601788175652848724531754141037097392200614837618250724394735379396518543857770958817055024776042060827869968488352509848689186347952596035348498659610010519433298737068515848878294572828779029635366661058828497076815765445691268091283642534587292604834367883522866580618439525768390834962295252542420907874215480059790519663103839852785641419105970949840004590937347550826334534959364408971279827


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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