Factor Info

ID 97027
Size 471 digits / 1564 bits
Status composite
Value 381351229233208193644477008092916214835779176168879720944483806128933095740433452771198030411004683930990745508104610583121338640448145621334906264390202058265429799723569979624634958314877701195477212378517272149361853549628688001354299160731351667077910817587157652897101239578407349390297852454624280842774099174672151466965713702461249222875364555942281953987596300844977420111211595866050789679294623118213382791705557349346334694155161517363071272332442195536868321


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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