Factor Info

ID 97064
Size 471 digits / 1562 bits
Status composite
Value 116524673145317964962015423354862757498168691808258133686975802977299653029391811863460117394341707832210178682832962910284303646397979788060199858957583110744328266097292426438353792790308540501432454210711506569207351202560187103634778325037996350962731976345563405825959128794822642612572104397136961639526937621161346830804135698163984525532855761683524880773522601454440148361906325666362070621705109063365528997846774664173733942190702353436156702783445918363852661


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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