Factor Info

ID 97089
Size 468 digits / 1553 bits
Status composite
Value 205766923402775036430509268057136100937745178983168255863101050229179369632388834034030610287737819682183731041452947340436787320014070976019167182051956826048538700018840135856440826082620212111344360540571874206923598508579718377452167411026051793824177975429129089728854853721791190226792607291240381868813793272870734238579766589764902617342431204311489056231775356799381002542552635941859561798105805668544797834675510012127386081003460570508508393515577954763209


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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