Factor Info

ID 97144
Size 469 digits / 1558 bits
Status composite
Value 6436549756717717060325166650227485724087424781351734274498177770561552721418325354042769946629633597994564757279458627736879430944814949940531833361004479301388157943241492293601723251010973957193482375242411435072549958921127639142819093324844524349550717352528926310641044301387389154404295800290387794460906956312394774313769552990464899541744684529367680161768149622283547681156810652808175351594049417253116358643073750992876889650169309901021393725265269082430853


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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