Factor Info

ID 97168
Size 471 digits / 1563 bits
Status composite
Value 300987558290480143148146309769026160719262526726701675814817641820108260009503556437906906728750023769760514162579969609702786571173063452720157112561212475508543558708955880742482731690138826404752554426429469368716001408658174360096676069663670685410850189582446880942942936309560968827897468391107876412933428118870844926164292856378913877580475256679757964483617929027548241702111582874250466721546086877265636555039485357120933218378727783698511348092963321768367149


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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