Factor Info

ID 97263
Size 464 digits / 1539 bits
Status composite
Value 14701399792506820982232847658042059785436353494521579007027200192657780145794138582127856116942113501494188330309880188973530011322027759357937151145181612498510090853492603719359718576444493350622244083517113448454083635553258390959334211601892898021537454158285812664973672234513795882485962384829066723009028107814782183360697941730983148347620253990828074319490138166083652631216949322116678987698362052057024002361393685653313443653225075816031264807645664129


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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