Factor Info

ID 97458
Size 460 digits / 1526 bits
Status composite
Value 1826997709810381670561706314230807227461652946916493137388334403332876759260315356001521621589832342132275345189763004777478929964754528650170072983812853103839201386586835830369828572416544083505988725156838117880706738278896183942599191240840144339129217051689442197001678359876619110758213186301333686988392926415828866765246376903960165957537035152286341372838303003545177462132221207134719610245411996028281612123047192478275394225477340755865796190690141


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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