Factor Info

ID 97690
Size 466 digits / 1547 bits
Status composite
Value 2683227308838637950065797861707335741243442902896583461454651302667245415321027538473801736733091012186077439057629625746917391641177949322364167165168141882228915675424492473906122416069664828198005562843216874925409567188431035850186672446888435162272544387344219369993551153099386111369474268409734210213368135172047436851120799680167817965610510455089523445677178371295236634382981470131545594322558878119423329567580521205180705823781447100850626770123937003129


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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