Factor Info

ID 97741
Size 465 digits / 1545 bits
Status composite
Value 618372228177954899857772555632383199669954976702387972654181848591018631170801329573621474036968172428845166322348095142656867416761847133795911922322857280596002716610853474458196297850723046947056323549459365529765069073147322158408789315691588708472467363575528299945158710974911703046375835765927683426312000929269216542052406407149451156769242829453718859003309648141685838065475208256625914611513736410282316586076412427903857072442653483479769632054780409111


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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